Introducing Writer in Residence Osunwunmi

Osunwunmi is In Between Time’s Writer in Residence. She reflects on live art and beyond through poetry, interviews and essays.
Folake Shoga is a Nigerian/British artist living and working in Bristol, using among other things moving image, sculpture and drawing. Folake explores both practice and critique in live art. Her journey began ten years ago when she started exploring live art as a reaction to digital notions of disembodiment, freedom and transcending the body. Her body, biracial and unheroic, has always determined how she experiences the world and is, in turn, experienced. Folake is an alumnus of In Between Time’s Creative Exchange Lab in 2019.
She writes under the name Osunwunmi, a name that invokes the Yoruba Orisha as an exemplar and as an inspiration.

Manuel Vason
Header image: Stephen Robins