Art in a Time of Crises - In Between Time

Art in a Time of Crises

woman leaning on chair while sawing legs off it

IBT15 - Barrington Court, Reckless Sleepers (c Paul Blakemore)

In Between Time are international producers and internationalism is our lifeblood. Through collaboration with incredible artists and their work, we invite people to see the world through different perspectives and walk in each other’s shoes. We develop worldwide networks, in collaboration with local people, to share new ideas and innovation.

The last few years have been relentless in unmasking and spotlighting the ever-present and ever-growing impact of global inequality. This is now being seen and felt more viscerally than ever. 

We are in a state of existential crisis. Climate anxiety is palpable, wars make daily headlines, and ways forward that lead to peace, reconciliation and well-being seem intangible. 

So what good is art in all this mayhem? 

For an organisation such as In Between Time, that has previously formed itself around a biennial international festival, promoting world-class live art practice, we face urgent and unavoidable questions. How do we ensure our work is as impactful and powerful as ever, while recognising the constraints of limited resources, the need for genuinely sustainable practice and our duty to tackle the inequality before us? 

What role can art play in creating a better world and a brighter future? Is it worth it? Does it matter? Do people care? 

From the outset IBT has been a pioneer and a rule-breaker, harnessing the raw power of live art. In Between Time has unflinchingly questioned the status quo, challenged norms, faced unsettling realities, raised difficult questions and stimulated discussion and debate. We have forged new ways of working, uncovered hidden corners of our physical environment, and championed the voices of the unheard and viewpoints of the unseen. 

But perhaps most importantly, we have brought people together in deep reflection and emotional connection; allowed people to hear their inner murmurs and muffled cries; recognise themselves in others; and realise that they are not alone. In fact, despite our differences, we are all connected. 

We are grateful to Arts Council England for Transition Funding which, over the last six months, has enabled us to undertake a strategic review, reflecting on where we have come from and where to next. We have emerged more focused and stronger in purpose than ever. We know ourselves better, both our strengths and our weaknesses. And we know that our vision, passion, commitment and drive are unwavering.  

During this time of reflection and remodelling we have explored different ways of working and have come to the conclusion that ‘Sustainable Internationalism’ needs to be at the heart of what we do, underlining and supporting every future exploration in the world of live art. And so, through a combination of our own volition and responding to external drivers, we are changing. 

Over the coming weeks and months, we will be starting conversations about our future direction, exploring what Sustainable Internationalism means to us, why it is so important and how we plan to put it into action. If you would like to be part of the conversation, please drop us a line, sign up for our e-newsletter or follow us on our social media channels. We look forward to hearing from you and collaborating on changes to come.